Another Year More Resilient... Happy Birthday FWN Members!

Another Year More Resilient... Happy Birthday FWN Members!

Nini Alvero (U.S. FWN100™ '07), Assistant Secretary of the Foreign Trade Service Corps, Department of Trade and Industry of the Philippines,  Vanessa Barcelona (U.S. FWN100™ '07), Partner/Immigration Attorney at Barcelona & Pilarski, P.A., Elizabeth Bautista (Global FWN100™ '15), Group Lead, Operations Technology Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Aurora Cavosora Daly (U.S. FWN100™ '07), Co-Owner/Manager Travel Daly, Cherryl Cunanan, Manager, Global Accounts, Helms Briscoe, Trixie Odiamar, Consultant, Every Woman Every Child, United Nations Foundation, Lyla Paniagua, Owner-Consultant at Marketing Help, Daisy Rodriguez (U.S. FWN100™ '09), Assistant Director, LVN To RN Associate Degree Program at Unitek College.

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Maan Hontiveros (Global FWN100™ '14) and Michelle Florendo (Global FWN100 '15)

Maan Hontiveros - Air Asia

Maan Hontiveros
CEO of AirAsia Inc. Philippines and Chair of AirAsia Zest
Manila, Philippines

What is the global impact of your work? Through my leadership, AirAsia is able to provide safe, low-cost, high value air transportation services to enable those on a limited budget to fly and explore other cultures.

What have you done to alleviate suffering in society? After super typhoon Haiyan, we ferried rescue workers, relief goods, survivors and stranded passengers on our humanitarian flights for free.

Most difficult workplace challenge as a Filipina woman and why: To aspire for the top position means you have to be aggressive and think and oftentimes act like a man…. And be prepared to suffer the consequences.

Hardest lesson learned and how you learned it? Most Filipinos are uncomfortable with confrontation. During one television interview where I relentlessly grilled an interviewee who I believed was a fake psychic, I thought I had done a great job, only to find out that audience reaction showed a great majority of callers thought I was rude and “un-Filipino”. I have since learned to punch with silken gloves and use a more polite tone even as I strive to remain frank and honest. The problem lies not in WHAT you say, but in HOW it is said.


MichelleJoyceFlorendo- Global FWN100 2015

Michelle Joyce Florendo
Founder & Principal, What if You Could LLC
Oakland, California, USA

The best part of being a Filipina woman leader is... Being able to join this fabulous group of Filipina women leaders that is Filipina Women's Network (FWN). I still remember the very first FWN Summit I attended: it felt like I was at a family party with kind, laughing, women who felt as close as aunties and cousins, yet every woman present had impressive professional accomplishments. Never before had my familial and professional worlds collided, but in FWN, I enjoyed a happy mix of both.

What is the most significant barrier to female leadership from your experience? I  think the most significant barrier to female leadership is this silly notion of “women who have it all.” The problem I have with that phrase is that so many women stress themselves out trying to live up to someone else’s definition of “it.” I’ve had clients who burned themselves out trying to satisfy this expectation that success means you must maintain a high-powered, well-paying job, show your dedication to your kids by cooking dinner every night and handcrafting birthday party favors worthy of Pinterest, and somehow still find time for extended family, friends, and self-care. The point is, I’d like to see more women take time to define for themselves what having “it” all means for them, so that they can spend more of their time thriving in their own definition of success instead of striving for someone else’s. That’s part of why I do the work that I do, empowering clients to make good career decisions according to their own terms. 

ASK A FILIPINA: #25 Leadership Tip from Susie Quesada (U.S. FWN100™ '07)

ASK A FILIPINA: #25 Leadership Tip from Susie Quesada (U.S. FWN100™ '07)

Learn to build a core foundation in business from which you can diversify. When you start a business, master the foundations of the corporate world including process, finance, innovation, culture, and communication. This will become a valuable foundation from which you can launch a series of complementary businesses and a whole conglomerate of companies. From starting and leading a single organization, Doctor's Pharmaceuticals in the Philippines, Mommyla diversified into restaurants, motels, Ramar Foods, and other businesses in the U.S.

- Susie Quesada, President, Ramar Foods International, U.S. FWN100™ '07


ADVANCING THE FILIPINA: Apply for the Community Resource Coordinator Position at Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco

ADVANCING THE FILIPINA:  Apply for the Community Resource Coordinator Position at Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco

The Asian Women's Shelter in San Francisco is seeking a Community Resource Coordinator with a background in social science or work and grant writing experience. Apply before the March 31st deadline.

Domestic Violence Lawyer Tia Canlas Flips the Script On Domestic Abusers

Domestic Violence Lawyer Tia Canlas Flips the Script On Domestic Abusers

Filipina domestic violence lawyer Tia Katrina Taruc Canlas is switching up the game when it comes to bringing abusers to justice. Instead of pursuing criminal suits, Canlas is applying a survivor-based approach by using the civil code to demand financial compensation on behalf of her clients.

Christine Amour-Levar: Letter to My Daughters

Christine Amour-Levar: Letter to My Daughters

In celebration of International Women's Day, Christine Amour-Levar shares a letter she wrote to her daughters not long ago. It highlights what she values most for them, as well as her hopes and dreams for their future.

International Labor Organization Study Shows Little Changes to Women's Employment Access and Quality of Work

International Labor Organization Study Shows Little Changes to Women's Employment Access and Quality of Work

In light of International Women's Day, the International Labor Organization's (ILO) recent report findings show that women still face enormous challenges and barriers to finding and keeping jobs. In many regions of the world, women were more likely to stay unemployed: 6.2% of women are jobless across the world compared to 5.5% of men - and often had to accept lower quality jobs.

Being Leaders on the Revolutionary Road Towards Women’s Liberation: International Working Women’s Day Statement from the National Alliance of Philippine Women in Canada (NAPWC)

Being Leaders on the Revolutionary Road Towards Women’s Liberation: International Working Women’s Day Statement from the National Alliance of Philippine Women in Canada (NAPWC)

For years, the National Alliance of Philippine Women in Canada (NAPWC) along with their sister organizations, have been campaigning against Canada’s Caregiver Program, also known under its previous guises of the Live-in Caregiver Program and the Foreign Domestic Movement.