FWN Members and #FilipinaDISRUPTERS bond at Geary's Beverly Hills for an afternoon of champagne and #GlobalPinayPower celebrations last Saturday, December 7. Pictured (L-R): Sonia Delen (U.S. FWN100™ '07), Vina Lustado (Global FWN100™ '15),Rocio Nuyda (U.S. FWN100™ '12, Global FWN100™ '16), Charina Vergara (Global FWN100™ '16), Rosario Cajucom-Bradbury (Global FWN100™ '16), Benel Se-Liban (U.S. FWN100™ '11), Melissa Orquiza (Global FWN100™ '15), Jacqueline D. Yu (U.S. FWN100™ '12), Melissa Ramoso (Global FWN100™ '14), Marily Mondejar (Founder & CEO, Filipina Women's Network), Francine Maigue (Global FWN100™ '15).
Catch the #FilipinaDISRUPTERS at DISRUPTing Beverly Hills (Dec. 10)
RECAP: DISRUPTing Houston - Digital Reading of DISRUPT 2.0 Live from the Grace Hopper Conference
Elizabeth Bautista (Global FWN100™ '15) led the DISRUPTing Houston book reading at Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Houston Conference this past Thursday.
Joining in on the DISRUPTing Houston author reading from San Francisco was Marily Mondejar, CEO & Founder, Filipina Women's Network, Melissa Orquiza (Global FWN100™ '15) from Los Angeles and DISRUPT editor Maria Beebe from Portland, Oregon via Zoom. At the Q&A Session, Melissa weighed in on career challenges she has faced in the entertainment industry as a Filipina-American composer in Los Angeles.
After the reading, Anita Borg Institute raffled 25 copies of DISRUPT 2.0: Filipina Women: Daring to Lead to an eager Filipino audience.
Women and War: Literary Event with Evelina Galang (Global FWN100™ '14)
Success! DISRUPT: Portland Brings Women Together in Sisterhood
The Filipina Women’s Network (FWN), represented by Dolly Pangan-Specht (US FWN100™'09 ) and Maria Beebe (US FWN100™'11 and Global FWN100™ '13, board member, and book co-editor) organized a book reading in collaboration with Portland State University’s Office of Global Diversity and Inclusion, Department of Anthropology, and Center for Women and Leadership. The Asian Pacific American network of Oregon (APANO) and the Council of Filipino American Associations (CFAA) also participated. Global Networks, Janet Labar, and Cynthia Reidy donated books as gifts to the readers. Tambayan and Columbia Distributing provided food and drinks.
Marily Mondejar, FWN founder and CEO, joined the participants via video conferencing to share the three events that shaped the direction of the Filipina Women’s Network.
Image credit: Jon Oribello
DISRUPT Book Reading in Oregon with Claire Oliveros (US FWN100™ '07), Dolly Pangan Sprecht (US FWN100™ '09) and Maria Africa Beebe (US FWN100™ '11, Global FWN100™ '13)
Calling Filipinas in the Pacific Northwest!
Oregon-based Global FWN100 and U.S. FWN100™ awardees Claire Oliveros (US FWN100™ '07), Dolly Pangan Sprecht (US FWN100™ '09) and Maria Africa Beebe (US FWN100™ '11, Global FWN100™ '13) will be doing a book reading of their chapters in Disrupt: Filipina Women: Proud. Loud. Leading Without a Doubt, FWN's first publication on Filipina leadership at Portland State University.
Join FWN members and FWN100™ awardees for a meet and greet, book signing and light refreshments at Portland State University Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 238 at 6 pm on Monday, October 5th.